Friday 26 May 2017



  1. 注重日常保健、追求生命质量的人群
  2. 由于工作需要长期参加应酬饮酒的人群
  3. 想要精力充沛、年轻常驻的爱美人群
  4. 脑力劳动者、工作压力大人群
  5. 重视皮肤美白,子宫及乳房保健的女性群体
  6. 久坐不动者及长期开车者
  7. 内分泌失调、气血不和人群
  8. 长期生活在环境污染严重地区的人群
  9. 有前列腺疾病、肿瘤病史、心血管病史的人群
  10. 长期在户外活动及长时间接触电子类辐射产品,寻求抗辐射的人群
  11. 免疫力较低的人群
  12. 机体日渐衰老的老年人群

如果在名单里也没关系,Total Natural茄红素帮你一键解决这些问题!茄红素是膳食中的一种天然类胡萝卜素。由于最早从番茄中分离制得,故称番茄红素。它是目前在自然界的植物中被发现的最强抗氧化剂之一。其主要有以下保健功能。

01. 预防和抑制癌症
02. 保护心血管
03. 抗紫外线辐射功能

04. 抑制诱变作用
05. 延缓衰老、增强免疫力
06. 番茄红素保护黏膜

07. 番茄红素可大大改善皮肤过敏症
08. 番茄红素还具有极强的解酒作用

How Lycopene Helps Protect, Against Cancer, and More

Natural fruits or vegetables like tomatoes, watermelons are full of lycopene which is one of the strongest natural antioxidant. It’s also a generally recognized anti-aging substance to defense free radical, physically remove the rubbish and keep the body healthy.
Some scientists predict that antioxidant will help people to extend 30%-50% of their lives. Europeans and Americans are never stop studying lycopene. Researchers asked patients to take lycopene for 4 weeks and their LDL decreased dramatically. Also, compare to cholesterol-lowering drugs, lycopene doesn’t have any side-effect and plays an important role on preventing stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Many studies of healthy meals are based on observation of people in Mediterranean regions. You will find ketchup served at every meal and they have less chance to have cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This is all relying on lycopene. The “Times” magazine in the US used to place tomato as the best food which contribute on human health and lycopene is also called “Plants Gold”.
Research shows that, The body can only digest 0.05mg lycopene by taking a fresh tomato. However, our bodies need at least 20mg lycopene every day to prevent prostate disease, protect heart and brain, slow the effects of ageing, protect the skin etc. According to this, people need to eat 300 fresh tomatoes every day to get that much lycopene, and that's obviously impossible.
So what's the best way to take lycopene? The tomato juices on the market are all added with food color, reductant or oxidant, that's why the color is pure red and the juice and fresh are mixed. Having fresh tomatos can get a lots of vitamin C, kalium and dietary fiber, which is good for preventing cardiovascular disease and fat. but you can't get all the lycopene and carotene in that tomato, unless you cook it and add a lot of oil, but lots of oil is obvisously not good for health. Nutritionists indicated that the best way to take lycopene is to choose a good brand of lycopene product. Total Natural's lycopene product contains 5mg lycopene per softgel which is made of 15 fresh tomatoes. Taking it by instruction can eliminate free radicals, lower cholesterol levels and heart deseases, prevent cancers, especially prostate cancer.


Wednesday 17 May 2017

Evening Primrose Oil: A God's Gift to Women

For centuries, women of all ages have depended on the reliability of Evening primrose Oil. Evening primrose oil is extracted from the evening primrose plant (Oenothera biennis), a wildflower found in North America, Europe and parts of Asia. The plant’s pale yellow flowers open in the evening–hence its common name–and its seeds bear the special fatty oil that is used in healing today.
Evening Primrose Oil contains Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), it's used as a dietary source of essential fatty acids in food. Once processed in the body, GLA, an omega-6 fatty acid, exerts anti-inflammatory and other healing actions.
The remarkably rich stores of GLA in evening primrose oil are what make it so valuable in healing. Specifically, evening primrose oil may help to:
Relieve Premenstrual Syndrome
Evening Primrose Oil could relieve the discomforts of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), menstruation, endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts. By interfering with the production of inflammatory prostaglandins released during menstruation, the GLA in evening primrose oil can help to lessen menstrual cramps. It may also minimize premenstrual breast tenderness, irritable bowel flare-ups, and carbohydrate cravings, and help to control endometriosis-associated inflammation.
Reduce Menopausal Symptoms
Evening Primrose Oil is ideal for those approaching or undergoing menopause. It increases the levels of PGE1 and helps combat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, cold sweats, mood swings and vaginal dryness.
Promote Healthy Glowing Skin
Evening Primrose Oil is good for your skin and overall beauty. Taken regularly, this special oil can improve skin smoothness and texture for healthy beautiful skin. It is highly beneficial for dehydrated, aged or oily skin (during puberty and menopause). It also helps to treat acne and rosacea. By working to dilute sebum, a thick oily substance that is oversecreted in some people with acne, the essential fatty acids in evening primrose oil may reduce the risk of pores becoming clogged and lesions developing.
Alleviate Arthritis and Joint Pains
Evening Primrose Oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. If you suffer from arthritis, your prostaglandins PGE1 are out of balance. EPO restores this balance, which in turn, significantly lessens pain, stiffness and swollen, tender joints.




现代女性除了要承受工作,照顾家庭的压力之余,碍于女性的生理结构,更要面对周期性的身体变化,对身心造成额外的负担!而月经是女性身体健康的指标,但有许多女性的经期是不愉快的。根据调查指出,大约有40%的女性在月经来潮前会有腹胀、胸部胀痛、疲倦、头痛、情绪低落、排便习惯改变…等症状,称之为经前症候群。另外,更有75%的女性在月经来潮时会有原发性经痛 (指找不到病理原因的经痛),这与子宫内膜分泌的前列腺素有关 (使子宫过度收缩)。



Wednesday 3 May 2017

Isoflavone Mega & Isoflavone Plus: Best Gifts for Women's Health

These well-known flavonoids are complemented by other healthful natural compounds found in soybeans and soy foods. Soy isoflavones are a source of natural plant oestrogens called phytoestrogens and are used to ease menopausal symptoms and strengthen and form bone. The chemical structure of isoflavones is very similar to that of our own estrogen; however, when we get older our body produce less and less of estrogen.

Including Isoflavones in your daily diet is highly recommended for people, the beneifts of Isoflavones are good for:

1. Women going through the menopause
2. Women having difficulty with their monthly cycles
3. Those who wish to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer
4. Those who wish to improve bone health
5. Those experiencing osteoporosis

Isoflavones Mega from Total Natural is helpful for preventing certain cancers, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. It provides strong antioxidant properties that protect against bad cholesterol and atherosclerosis. With antioxidant capabilities comparable to vitamin E, isoflavones Mega also has ability to support healthy cardiovascular systems and improved bone health.
Ingredients: Soy Isoflavone Extract 750mg
Directions: For adults, take one (1) softgel three times daily, preferable with meals.

Isoflavone Plus from Total Natural is ideal for perimenopausal or menopausal women looking to decrease hot flash frequency and severity, mood swings, irritability and insomnia. Evening primrose oil is good for skin, hair, bones and especially hormone health. As complex of evening primrose oil and isoflavone, isoflavone Plus is pretty useful for menopausal and postmenopausal women with bone loss due to estrogen deficiency or bone mass/density issues such as osteoporosis.
Ingredients: Soy Isoflavone 50mg, Evening Primrose Oil 500mg
Directions: For adults, take one (1) softgel twice daily, preferable with meals.





  1. 补充雌性激素: 成年女性激素分泌量随着年龄的增长而递减,雌激素分泌不足,呈现衰老症状。大豆异黄酮又称植物雌激素,能够弥补30岁以后女性雌性激素分泌不足的缺陷,帮助女性调节自身的雌性激素,达到最佳状态。
  1. 抗氧化剂: 大豆异黄酮同时还是很有效的抗氧化剂,帮助抵抗体内的自由基,达到抗氧化的作用。可使女性皮肤光润,细腻,柔滑,富有弹性。
  1. 抗衰老:防止女性卵巢功能过早衰退,从而推迟更年期的到来,起到延缓衰老的作用。
  1. 改善经期不适:经期不适常与雌激素分泌不平衡有关,大豆异黄酮是双向调节作用可使雌激素水平维持正常,达到改善经期不适的目的。
  1. 缓解更年期症状:大豆异黄酮具有类雌激素的作用,又可调节雌激素水平,从而缓解更年期的许多症状,有利于处于更年期的女性顺利度过这一特殊时期。
  1. 预防骨质疏松:雌激素分泌水平的降低,可造成骨质流失,导致骨质疏松症,及时地补充大豆异黄酮,可有效地防止骨质疏松症的发生。
  2. 预防乳腺癌:大豆异黄酮分子结构和雌激素相似,所以能结合到细胞表面激素受体上,减少过剩雌激素与受体结合的机会,从而降低女性因雌激素水平过高而患乳腺癌的危险性。
  3. 改善产后精神障碍:女性生育后孕激素减少,雌激素水平尚未恢复,因此,容易造成植物神经紊乱,形成精神障碍,大豆异黄酮可及时填补这种欠缺。
  4. 预防老年痴呆:在发病者中女性患者约是男性患者的三倍,卵巢和子宫同时切除者,绝经者发病率高且早,进展也快,及时补充大豆异黄酮,改善雌激素状况,可预防老年痴呆。

Total Natural为女性的健康造福,用心推出两款针对不同女性情况的大豆异黄酮补品,确保每一位女性都能找到最准确的保养放向,在健康和美丽这两条道路上越走越远。

1. Total Natural 高单位大豆异黄酮 (Isoflavone Mega)
名 称:高单位大豆异黄酮
成分:大豆异黄酮提取物 750mg


2. 复方大豆异黄酮软胶囊 (Isoflavone Plus)
名 称:复方大豆异黄酮软胶囊
成分:大豆异黄酮 50mg,见月草 500mg