Wednesday 26 April 2017

A Better Way to Support Your Blood Sugar

If you’re looking for a supplement that could potentially work to maintain already healthy blood sugar levels‚ Total Natural Glucose Support Formula may be right for you. Glucose Support Formula contains highly recognized ingredients that provide specific support for healthy pancreas function and glucose metabolism.
It’s designed to support your body’s natural ability to:
  1. Manage healthy blood sugar levels already within normal range
  2. Maintain appropriate insulin sensitivity
  3. Assist in the improvement of mildly impaired glucose tolerance.
  4. Maintain healthy metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
  5. Be the antioxidant and free radical scavenger.
This groundbreaking formula combines 8 natural ingredients to create a uniquely powerful blood sugar support compound.
Cinnamon could potentially act to inhibit spikes in blood sugar; as a result‚ it may play a small role in managing your sweet tooth.
Gymnema Sylvestre contains phytonutrients that support the normalization of blood glucose levels and the production of insulin to within normal ranges.
Fenugreek, bilberry, and VC have long been known to have a positive impact on blood sugar levels in the body.

An excess of blood lipids increases your risk for cardiovascular disease and heart attack, Ginkgo, Noni and Brewer's Yeast Fungus could strengthen and protect cardiovascular health, reducing your discomfort and promoting blood circulation around your heart and other organs.

To experience the full range of benefits from Glucose Support Formula, take 1 easy-to-swallow capsules three times daily, preferably with meals. If pregnant or lactating, consult your physician before taking this product. Total Natural Glucose Support Formula is NOT designed to treat diabetes and prediabetes, and should not be used to replace prescription medication.




如果在饮食上并非专家,难以合理把控也没关系。这里有一个相当给力的帮手 —— Total Natural 糖必净。

Total Natural的糖必净由已知可舒缓糖尿病症状之珍贵配方组成,可降低血糖,提高胰岛素功能,让身体摄取的营养达到糖尿病患者需要的平衡状态。

具体Total Natural的糖必净的成为有什么功效呢?我们依次揭秘!

1. 肉桂:肉桂能促进技能,有降压镇定作用,同时可使脑血流量增加,血管阻力下降,减少堵塞。在肾脏方面肉桂还具有散寒温肾的作用,对于糖尿病患者高频率衍生出的肾病和心脑血管疾病有很大的帮助。
2. 银杏: 促进血液循环,预防心脑血管疾病,清除人体代谢过程所产生的过氧自由基,改善早期糖尿病,以及因老化所导致的视网膜病变。
3. 武靴叶: 它是一种生长于印度的爬藤类植物。原属于印度作为优非达医疗系统所用的草本植物,有助于预防和控制糖尿病。
4. 诺丽:诺丽是天然的抗氧化剂,能抵抗自由基侵害。其中含有的东莨菪素、钾、塞洛宁、茜素、7--6-甲基香豆素(松弛血管)等生物成分能有效调节高血压、高血脂、高血糖,是糖尿病人必不可少的营养成分。
5. 啤酒酵母真菌: 啤酒酵母中膳食纤维占25-30%,还富含完整的B族维生素,其功效能加速碳水化合物和脂肪的新陈代谢,排除肠道里的脂肪、毒素及重金属。
6. 葫芦巴:这又是一个向脂肪宣战的草本, 它可以防止餐后血糖升高, 还能提高胰岛素功能。
7. 越桔:越桔对人体器组织中的毛细血管都有着强化和预防病变的功效,能很有效的预防和维护糖尿病带来的心血管受损的症状。
8. VC 补充大量的VC可以促进骨胶原的生物合成,利于组织创伤口的更快愈合,改善脂肪和类脂特别是胆固醇的代谢,预防糖尿病引起的心血管病。

Total Natural 糖必净的四大功效:
1. 降低血糖,有效控制血糖
2. 提高胰岛素功能,激发胰岛素分泌量,促进新陈代谢正常。
3. 舒缓控制糖尿病,有效预防糖尿病
4. 改善和控制由糖尿病引起的并发症

糖必净的吃法很简单,一天三次一次一粒即可。不过需要注意的是正在接受杀菌抗菌治疗和注射胰岛素的小伙伴们,需要在治疗前后两三个小时才可服用。少年儿童、孕妇,乳母期的妈妈不可服用。Total Natural 糖必净虽好但并非是治疗糖尿病的药品,糖友们不要把它当做药品来吃,还是要谨遵医生的吩咐接受治疗,让病情得到最佳控制。

Monday 17 April 2017

护眼神器:Total Natural 视力宝,还你明亮的眼睛


不过这并不是不能预防的,加拿大Total Natural的视力宝结合大麦粉,柑橘生物类黄酮,覆盆子萃取物,银杏黄酮,叶黄素,槲皮黄酮和维C于一身,充分提供额外眼睛保护,维持长久眼睛视力健康。那么这些成分具体能给我们的眼睛带来哪些功效?一起了解一下。





别再让外界伤害我们的视力了!Total Natural视力宝成人每天可吃一到两次,一次四粒。非常适合上班族、开车族、佩戴美瞳的人士、读书写字的学生,视力模糊的老人等高度用眼的人群。拥有一双健康的眼睛是我们观察世界的第一步,视力宝吃起来!

Vision Complex: seven natural ingredients to help your protect eyes

The human eye is organ of vision. A vital organ of vision it plays a very important role not only in life but also the Human body. The human eye is the organ which gives us the sense of sight, allowing us to learn more about the surrounding world than we do with any of the other four senses. Protecting our eyes has always been one of the most important things in our daily life. Total Natural Vision Complex is the most comprehensive formula available today. It contains seven key ingredients needed to help you protect your eyes, maintain good eyesight and prevent eye disease.

●Lutein and is carotenoid found in vegetables and fruits. It act as antioxidants, protecting cells against the damaging effects of free radicals and help support healthy eyes and vision.

●Bilberry extract contains biologically active flavonoids which promote vision health. It’s a powerful anti-oxidant for Scavenging free radicals.

●Ginkgo Biloba Extract could strengthen and protect cardiovascular health, reducing your discomfort and promoting blood circulation around the eyes. 

●Vitamin C, Barley Powder, Citrus Bioflavonoids and Quercetin team up to aid vision support by reducing infant, soothing lens damage, improving night vision, and giving you renewed clarity to enjoy the beautiful things in life.

For adults, take four capsules one to two times daily. We keep an expert blend of natural ingredients at the core of Total Natural Vision Complex, no fillers or artificial ingredients. Natural vitamins and herbs will make your eyes healthier. 

Friday 7 April 2017

5 Amazing Benefits of Oregano Oil

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is an herb that is native to the Mediterranean, Europe and Asia. It's known as a popular cooking spice, and that's not the only property. Oregano oil has been used for centuries in traditional health practices for its cleansing and immune-boosting properties. The oil of oregano uses are many that we need to list them all right! Here are the 5 things you should know about oregano oil. Read and revel.

1. Disinfectant & Antibacterial
The disinfectant and antibacterial properties of oregano essential oil were first recognized in ancient Greece where they were often used for treating bacterial infections on the skin or in wounds, and it was also employed to protect food from bacteria.

2. Anti-Oxidant
It’s important to understand that aging is largely affected by oxidation and free radicals, which is why antioxidants are so effective. Oregano oil offers a huge amount of antioxidants that can aid in the defense against these aging-accelerators. It's also helpful for skin conditions like cold sores, muscle aches, nail fungus, joint pain, and dandruff.

3. Respiratory Conditions
Oregano essential oil can act as an expectorant, which will loosen up or help eliminate the uncomfortable buildups of mucus and phlegm in the respiratory tracts and sinuses, but it is also a soothing balm for inflamed lungs and the throat, which often stimulate coughing fits. Therefore, oregano essential both prevents and treat symptoms of respiratory ailments.

4. Anti-inflammatory
Inflammation is caused as a result of the body’s natural response to toxins, injury and infections and can cause degeneration of the body’s systems. The oil of oregano possesses anti-inflammatory property. It can reduce redness and irritation to the applied area, and it can relieve topical pain that might be associated with arthritis or injury.

5. Improves Body’s Defense Mechanism
Oregano oil is an excellent option for increasing the body’s defense mechanism against cold or sore throat. You can simply take 3 drops of oregano oil in a day or mix it into a glass of orange juice and notice results within a few hours. Oregano oil should be taken up to 5 days to totally eliminate the symptoms.

It’s necessary to choose the right oregano oil product. Oregano Oil from Total Natural is made from wild Origanum vulgare and is guaranteed for potency. Take one soft-gel capsule once daily with food, Use Total Natural Oregano Oil safely and we hope you get as many benefits as we have from using it.


你认识牛至吗?它是西餐中的香草,属于“薄荷家族”。牛至在烹饪时常用于添香和去除肉类的膻味,由于它的气味浓烈扑鼻,只需加入少许,就能增添食物的美味了。而牛至油(Oregano Oil)是人类目前发现的最强效的天然消炎抗菌剂,从野生植物牛至中提取,早在很久以前就是希腊人的草药之首。而如今的牛至油依然不凡,长期使用牛至油对我们的健康提供了非常有效的保障。至少这5大来自牛至油的益处你一定体会的到。


如果在你食用了未煮熟的肉类或不干净的水,有害微生物容易停留在你的身体,这时候就建议你多吃点牛至油。研究发现牛至油有很强的抗菌灭菌能力,能消灭许多有食物传播的细菌像沙门菌,曲状杆菌,大肠杆菌以及葡萄球菌。它可以抑制人体内病菌生长,穿透细胞膜并破坏它们的完整性,杀死有害细菌。牛至油可以增加细胞的渗透性,导致流体渗出,从而导致细胞死亡。牛至油还能降低细菌内pH值,产生抑制新陈代谢和繁殖的酸性条件。牛至油也可以通过提高白血细胞,起到抗感染的作用。可以直接外用在患处, 也可以通过内服牛至油治疗真菌感染。一些通过细菌病毒感染得的病,如疣、湿疹、牛皮癣,以及最常见的流行性感冒,对牛至油而言都不在话下。

2. 抗氧化


3. 改善呼吸道疾病


4. 抗炎症

牛至油当中的Beta-caryphyllene已被证实有抗发炎的能力,同时还能活化细胞核内的PPARSPeroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor), PPARs存在于人体的各种组织,能调控体内的新陈代谢,能抑制体内发炎反应,当PPARs被活化时,能显著提升人体对血糖、免疫、发炎、胆固醇以及各种癌症的处理能力。

5. 必需的营养源泉        

Total Natural牛至油为保品质,通过严格选材,从北美的选取无污染的优质天然牛至,从中提取高纯度高品质的牛至油。每天吃一粒,能充分补充身体所需的营养元素,抗真菌抗感染抗氧化抗癌抗衰老,健康年轻一手抓。

Tuesday 4 April 2017

How to get your best night's sleep ever

Sleep is a basic human need and is essential for good health and good quality of life. Sleep and rest permit the body to recover from a day's activities and allow the nervous system to recharge. However, millions of Canadians have trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep or waking up rested. Insomnia or trouble sleeping is very common – about 30% to 40% of adults will experience insomnia in any given year. Insomnia is a symptom and is not a medical condition in itself. Rather, it's your body's way of telling you that something is not working right.

Getting a proper night's sleep is key to healthy lifestyle. Total Natural MelatoninPlus contains melatonin and L-theanine. Melatonin helps promote normal sleep patterns and a more restful night's sleep. L-theanine, a natural compound found in black and green tea, encourages feelings of relaxation and helps alleviate the physical and mental stress of the day. These two ingredients work together to improve sleep, promote relaxation and help regulate the sleep-wake.

Take one capsule just before going to bed, and you will sleep cozily through an entire night!





相信长期失眠和经常出差倒时差的人群肯定有睡眠困扰,这时候就需要Total Natural褪黑素来拯救了,身体缺乏褪黑素我们就补!睡前半小时服用一片TotalNatural褪黑素纯天然中草药的成分,无任何依赖性和副作用,帮助有效减少入睡的时间,保证充分的睡眠。除此之外还有保护细胞,防止病变和增强免疫力的功效。深夜睡的香,白天你的世界才会更明亮。